Waa maxay Qalabka Saldhigga Awood-hooseeya ee ay tahay inaad haysato?

What Low Power Radio Station Equipment You Should Have     

Because of its high cost, only large broadcasters and governments are able to operate FM radio stations. Luckily, the emergence of low power FM radio stations makes the operation of radio stations has entered the life of ordinary people. Everyone can start up their own FM radio station at a very low cost.


But what equipment is used to build your own low-power radio station? If you also have the idea of establishing a low-power radio station, this article must be helpful to you! 


In this share, it covers a brief introduction to the low power FM radio station, the list of equipment used in the low power FM radio station, and where to buy the best FM broadcasting equipment. Let's keep reading!


Wadaaggu waa Daryeel!



Brief Introduction to the Low Power FM Radio Station


Low power FM radio station is a kind of non-commercial radio station. Because of its low cost and easy installation, it earns a lot of favours from many people worldwide.


Effective radiating power - Actually, low power FM radio station has a different definition in different countries. Let's take the U.S.A as an example. According to FCC's words, it refers to those FM radio stations whose ERP is less than 100 watts. They have a transmitting distance limitation of 5.6 kilometres.


Multiplied applications - Drive in church, drive in movie theater, drive in concert, Christmas light display broadcasting, education broadcasting, school broadcasting are the main applications for low power FM radio stations. In addition, it can be also used in supermarket broadcasting, farm broadcasting, factory notice, scenic spot broadcasting, enterprise conference broadcasting, advertising, music programs, News programs, outdoor live broadcast, live drama production, correctional facilities, real estate broadcasting, dealer broadcasting, etc.


More creative programs - Compared with the commercial FM radio station, The programs of low power FM radio stations are closer to people's life and involve more aspects. They can broadcast news, financial knowledge, weather, music programs, talks, etc.


In short, the low power FM radio station is an important form of FM broadcasting, it makes the FM radio station more interesting and popular.


Complete FM Radio Station Equipment List


Now let's take a look at the lists of the equipment used in the low power FM radio station.


Firstly, you'll need to build up a FM radio station, and the following audio signals transmitting equipment is needed:


  • Low power FM transmitter
  • FM broadcast antennas
  • FM transmitting tower
  • coaxial rigid transmission line
  • Transmission line connectors
  • Xadhkaha RF coaxial
  • Antenna power divider
  • iwm


Intaa waxaa dheer, ee audio signals processing equipment is needed:


  • Audio fiicni
  • Baahinta Satelite-ka qaataha
  • Beddelka Maqalka Stereo
  • Baahinta Maqalka Maqalka
  • Rack AC Conditioner
  • La soco Sameecado-dhegaha
  • Rack Audio Monitor
  • Digital FM Tuner
  • iwm


Moreover, building a studio station is necessary for a complete FM radio station, so the following Qalabka istuudiyaha FM-ta is needed:


  • mikroofanada
  • Makarafoonka taagan
  • headphones
  • Daboolida BOP
  • Dhagaystayaasha La Socodka Studio
  • Hadalka Cue
  • sameecadaha
  • Guddiga Kartida
  • Iftiinka Hawada
  • Guddi badhanka
  • Habka Dib-u-hadalka Taleefanka
  • iwm


You can choose the part of them to start up your own FM radio station according to your plan. Do you think the above is not enough? Well, we still have a more detailed FM broadcasting equipment list for you, which is fitted with low power FM radio stations as well as professional FM radio stations like city radio, large broadcasters.


Where to Buy the Best FM Broadcasting Equipment?


You may have already come up with a big plan of building up a low power FM radio station. But remember, last but not least, a reliable brand is really essential. You can get the top quality FM broadcasting equipment at the best prices. 


And FMUSER is one of the best low power FM broadcasting equipment suppliers. We can provide you with the best low power FM transmitter kit, including low power FM transmitters for sale, FM broadcast antenna packages, etc. at the best prices. In addition, we can provide you with timely and professional online support whenever you need help.


Su'aalaha Badiya La Weydiiyo

1. Q: Are Low Power FM transmitters Legal?

A: Haa, waa.


Regardless of popular misconceptions, it is not legal to broadcast on FM at low power, or at any power, without a license from the FCC. It doesn't matter if you are less than 100 watts or less than 1 watt.

2. S: Waa maxay faa'iidooyinka Isticmaalka Wariyayaasha FM-ka?

J: Gudbiyaha FM-gu wuxuu gudbin karaa calaamadaha maqalka ee tayada sare leh wuxuuna ku kici karaa wax yar.


Aynu si faahfaahsan u qeexno:


Gudbiyaha FM-ka waa sahlan tahay in la isticmaalo xitaa kuwa cusub, waxaana ku kacaya wax yar in lagu shaqeeyo.


  •  Waxay leedahay hufnaan shaqo oo sarreeya.
  •  Waxay ka saari kartaa inta badan dhawaaqyada dhawaaqa ee calaamadaha maqalka.
  •  Waxay baahin kartaa calaamadaha FM-ka oo baaxad weyn dadkuna way fogaan karaan.

3. Q:  Why FM is Used in Radio Broadcasting?

J: Marka la barbar dhigo AM, FM waxay si fiican u qabataa gudbinta maqalka iyo faragelinta calaamadaha lidka ku ah.


Si faahfaahsan, waxay leedahay faa'iidooyinka soo socda:

  • Calaamadaha maqalku waxay leeyihiin SNR sare;
  • Faragelin yar oo juquraafi ah oo u dhaxaysa idaacadaha FM-ta ee deriska ah;
  • Waxay isticmaashaa awood yar oo loogu talagalay gudbinta;
  • Goobaha adeegga ee si wanaagsan loo qeexay ee awoodda gudbinta la siiyay.

4. S: Intee in le'eg ayuu gudbin karaa 50W FM?

A: Qiyaastii 6 km.


There is no fixed answer to this question because FM transmitter coverage depends on many factors, including the performance of FM antenna, the performance of receivers, surrounding barriers, and so on. Generally, in community radio, a 50W FM transmitter can reach a range of radius of 6km.


Ugu Dambeyn


In this share, we have a brief introduction to the low power FM radio station, the complete equipment used in the low power FM radio station, and where to buy the best FM broadcasting equipment.  Learning the knowledge above can help you build up the low power FM radio station better. FMUSER is a professional one-stop FM broadcasting supplier, we can provide you with the low power FM transmitter kit at the best prices, including a low power FM transmitter for sale and other necessary equipment. If you want more about low power FM radio stations, please feel free to contact us!


Sidoo kale Akhri


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    Waa maxay faa'iidada saamileyda ah ee FMUSER INTERNATIONAL GROUP LIMITED.

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